Website technologies are everywhere, and it's hard to keep up! Both decoupled and static sites have become more and more popular over the years. Let's dive in and survey what developers are using in 2023, so you can assess your options and decide if your site should leverage decoupled or static (or both!) solutions.


We'll have a high-level discussion of:

  • Pros and cons of decoupled web architectures
  • Pros and cons of static websites
  • Different decoupled approaches
  • How to generate static websites
  • Different static hosting options
  • Coupling decoupled with static (haha, you see what I did there, right? ;)

For those managing Drupal 7 websites, we'll discuss some solutions that can help with creating static versions and decommissioning or decoupling your Drupal 7 CMS.


At the end of this session, you should have enough understanding of what's out there to dive into the approaches that make the most sense for your website needs.

Intended Audience

While this session is mostly geared towards those with some understanding of web development, newcomers are welcome to dip their feet into the wide world of decoupled and static solutions. Advanced web developers are always welcome to provide their own insights and experience during the Q&A and in the zoom chat.

Note, while this session will throw around some technical concepts, business owners, project managers, and content editors are welcome to attend and learn some technical lingo your dev teams may be throwing at you :)



Audience: Beginner, Intermediate Track(s): Dev / DevOps, Site Building