If it is true that the meaning of all communication is the response it elicits; then what should we do to get the results we need? By reducing communication into the simplest parts, it is easier to see their interactions and there-by understand the complex results. We will tour the communication process to understand where it happens, show how it functions, and why it breaks. 

This session is for anyone whom is interested in better business and project outcomes. This session is not about how to get your message across a website to a viewer (not a UX session); rather it is about dealing with work mates and clients for better outcomes, and achieving more business referrals.

I am often more comfortable just communicating with the computer, because code is either correct or not, and I can fix code fairly easily. But when it comes to other human beings, this is not as easily done. And in business, successful communication is essential. These tools finally gave me the ability to "de-bug" the complexities of communication and achieve more success.

It is astounding how much more clearly you will see both the communication process and the dynamics of conflict once you understand the model. By seeing it all around you - all the time; everywhere from now-on - you build skills for success. And because it is impossible to not-see the parts once they are understood, these tools can be put into practice immediately.


  1. REDUCTIONISM:  Parts of the communication process; how to understand them

  2. NOISE:  How much is there and where does it come from

  3. RESULTS:  What are the best channels of communication, and why 


This session is appropriate for *all* skill levels, and it is 1 of 3 presentations offered in a series; each can be attended alone with specific value and different communication strategies presented in each, or attended in sequence for a comprehensive understanding of communication success.  --  Part 1, covers the basic model of the communication process itself, and Part 2, covers the nature of conflict so as to avoid more of it in the first place; Part 3, covers how to handle it when it cannot be avoided, and conflict explodes around you.

The slide decks for Part 2 and Part 3 are attached here -- but only Part 1 was covered in the session - Thank you, James

P.S. ...the “3 types of Yes,” that I had a hicup at during my presentation are as follows:

1 - Commitment (EX: “Yes, I’ll meet you for lunch,...”)

2 - Confirmation (EX: “Yes, I can hear you,...”)

3 - Counterfit (EX: “Yes,...” to anything you ask just to make you go away and leave me alone...)

Audience: All Track(s): PM / Business