
Intermediate Drupal Back-end knowledge along with basics of how Drupal renders content.

Session details

Deep diving into Drupal 8 Render API , how it is different and better than Drupal 7 rendering mechanism. How Drupal uses placeholders and pipelines to improve page performance.

In our talk, We're going to cover

  • What Render API is
  • How it is Different from D7
  • What Placeholders and Pipelines are
  • How Drupal makes use of Placeholders
  • Rendering custom content using Render API
  • Render arrays , elements
  • How was theme() function used in Drupal 7 and what are we doing in Drupal 8 to replicate it and its benefits from a data rendering standpoint

Takeaways from this talk

  • Deep knowledge of Drupal 8 Render API.
  • Learn how #type, `#theme`, and #markup elements are both the same and different
  • How can we use it?
Audience: Intermediate Track(s): Dev / DevOps