This year we celebrate 4 years since Drupal 8 was released. A one-click upgrade from older versions is one of its greatest features, thanks to the Migrate module being in core. While Migrate is powerful, it lacks a good UI. In contrib, we have Feeds for importing content. This module does have a UI perfectly tuned for site builders, but it defines its own import framework. Wouldn’t it be great if the two frameworks could be combined together?

This would be a win-win solution for everyone, because:
- Developers would only have to maintain one import framework;
- Site builders could use the power of Migrate without having to write code;
- Content managers gain the flexibility to import their content without the need to go through another round of development effort.

Two years ago, the maintainers of both import frameworks discussed the idea and that eventually resulted into the Feeds Migrate module being developed.

Today we will demo what has been completed, what still needs to be done and how everyone in the Drupal community benefits from this effort.

We will also talk about Drupal Community culture that powered development of module with zero budget.

Audience: All Track(s): Content Strategy, Dev / DevOps, PM / Business, Site Building