Virtual. Remote. Distributed. Pick your label. This style of organization is becoming more popular and in-demand among many Drupal shops. While many folks have gone remote, some people find the experience quite isolating and disconnected.

Does remote work make people happier? Does it make them more productive? The answer is not really. It is not the act of working from home that creates employee happiness; it is creating a culture that fosters remote practices to develop meaning, collaboration and happiness.

Building and sustaining strong relationships with colleagues and clients requires both a unique approach and the use of a variety of tools to create the right work culture. Success of a remote team also depends on management, how the team is supported, and the systems in place. 

In this session we will talk about how to be the best remote employee. The session will also provide strategies and ideas if you are a leader of a remote team. We will talk about key tactics to keep you (and all other staff) inspired, creative, productive and most importantly, happy!

What we will cover:

  • 5 things you have to do each day to stay sane.

  • How to contribute to company processes to build a great culture for distributed teams.

  • The dark side of remote working, and what to watch out for.

  • Why you need a communications charter.

  • 10 things remote team managers/leaders must know.

  • Tips, tactics and tools to build out your skills as a remote worker if you have a desk job now.


Audience: All Track(s): PM / Business