DevOps, CI, Build, Test, Deploy! There are so many different components flying around this buzzword-compliant practice, it's hard to know where to start. (Spoiler: always start with low-hanging fruit!) But the promises are very attractive: Fewer bugs, faster deployment, greater confidence in your changes.

Learn practical tools and workflows from those of us already in the trenches. We will cover:

  • Identifying the areas where automation will make the biggest difference
  • Continuous Integration tools and services such as CircleCI, ProboCI, Bitbucket Pipelines, GitHub, and GitLab.
  • Automated testing techniques such as End to End (Behavioral, Functional, etc), and Visual Regression.
  • Automated testing tools, such as Cypress, BackstopJS, Behat, PHPUnit, and more.

Remember, it's a journey, not a destination. 

This session assumes you have some knowledge of application development, but is also applicable to project managers and product owners who are interested in realizing increased stability of your systems.

Audience: Beginner, Intermediate Track(s): Dev / DevOps