Do you have an old Drupal site lying around? I do! My site is still on Drupal 6!*** According to, there are about 400k sites still on Drupal 7, ~15k on Drupal 6, ~2k on Drupal 5, and even ~1k on Drupal 4!

In this session, we'll go some options for handling old Drupal sites including:

  • + Migrating to Drupal 9
  • + Migrating to a different CMS
  • + Converting to a static site
  • + Leaving as is
  • + Decommissioning

We'll go over pros and cons for these approaches, as well as some tools that can make switching the tech easier. After this session, you'll understand options for handling your legacy Drupal site, so you can make a more informed decision on its future.

This session is suitable for anyone with an old Drupal site, but if your an advanced Drupaler, be prepared to help answer questions during the Q&A. :)

*** Hoping to fix that before Stanford WebCamp!

Audience: Beginner Track(s): Dev / DevOps, PM / Business, Site Building