Stanford Web Leaders roundtable

Stanford Web Leaders is a community of practice for website and web team managers across campus to collaborate and share best practices. This community and our monthly meetings date back to the early 2000s and have been fully virtual since 2020. 

Join our roundtable to learn more about this group and to share your thoughts on what trends and challenges are facing our organizations, and brainstorm how we can support each other with a thriving and open community of digital professionals.

BackdropCMS in Higher Ed: Stanford and Penn State case studies

Learn how Higher Ed leverages power of Backdrop CMS for various use cases - from building new sites to upgrades from Drupal 7 before EOL. Topics include business case, selecting hosting platform, authentication, training for users and many other challenges.

The presentation will transition into open discussion about using Backdrop in Higher ed and non-profit space.

Simple Fixes to HUGE UX Issues

Ever wondered what gives you the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to user experience? In this session, Nielsen Norman Group, Master Certified UX Strategist, Trevor Calabro provides a 7-step checklist that will tell you just that. Everything in this session is broken down into plain English and uses real-world examples. The session also includes a series of worksheets designed for you to replicate this system on your own projects. 

Attendees will walk away with:

Upgrading to Backdrop CMS from Drupal 7

As we near the end of life of Drupal 7, it's time to decide what to do with your Drupal 7 websites. One of the more cost-effective choices is to upgrade that website to Backdrop CMS.

Backdrop CMS is the Drupal fork: It's a version of Drupal 7 that runs faster, yet contains far more features. It is both easier to use, and more affordable to maintain than Drupal 7 was, and has a built-in upgrade path (no migrations required).

Dive-In: Beyond Code Contributions to Open Source

Web development in higher-education relies heavily on its relationship with open-source software development. Contributions back to open source allow the projects to expand, extend, and mature, and you can help give back without ever having to code a bit or byte. This session will cover two major areas of non-code contributions perfect for higher-education web professionals to lift from: writing and editing documentation, and event and initiative volunteering and leadership.
